Hope and Social in Topless Seaside Shenanigans Shocker
We’re all going on a… busmans holiday – 4th September
After numerous blogged and tweeted hints, Hope and Social are proud to announce our next “event”. Book it in now…
We’re off to the seaside.
To celebrate the end of summer, we’re holding another of the now (in)famous Hope and Social events. So far we’ve had a gig in our studio and made a record, turned our studio into a Bistro and recorded a song for our album… this time, we’re taking the “Summer Holiday” approach and hopping on a beautiful (weather permitting) topless (open-topped I believe they’re called), double-decker Routemaster… yep, the one with the pole at the back for near-death-experience swinging on (NB – health and safety says “NO!”) … and we’re damn excited about it to boot.
NB event does not include topless pole-dancing.
The Plan
Subject to change (expect this to change). As per usual, we’ll be fleshing this out with further shenanigans between now and the event itself but you can expect something along the lines of:

– Leeds -> Starting in Leeds town centre we will be making a round trip to the seaside on a beautiful York Pullman Routemaster.
– The band, playing on the bus for your delectation. No doubt, at some point making some very obvious Cliff Richard reference or other.
– We will, no doubt, Have Fun and Make Art. So expect [shudders] audience participation.
– We’ll stop at one of our all time favourite venues “The Lion Inn“, Blakey Ridge “Best pub in the North York Moors” – The Guardian. Which, incidentally, was the venue for Rich’s wedding too. We’ve a long and beautiful relationship with the place, come share our fave pub. Food will be available here should you feel peckish (not included in event price).
– All things being well (we still have to iron out a couple of kinks on this exact bit), we’re heading to Runswick Bay, to the site of good ol’ Jason’s wedding where we’ll be having:
– A Barbecue on the beach (included in the price)
– A gig at the Sailing Club (included in the price)
– A swim…. maybe (bring your cossie)
– The finishing off the “Marching On Through” video series and the culmination of much fan-involvement fun.
The Pricing
So, we’ve spec’d out the cost of a train journey and bus to Robin Hood’s Bay costs upwards of £33, we’re going to get you there and back, feed you at the beach, and provide entertainment throughout for £25 (plus Eventbrite booking fee). The only thing we’ve not included really is your drinks for the day, and your food at the Lion Inn.
We think it’s good value but if you need any convincing (and to give you some context) here’s what people say about our events:
“The most unique and enjoyable gig I’ve been to” – James Lester
“Every Hope and Social gig is an event, and a Hope and Social event is like Christmas morning when I was five” – Ellen Schauer
“An excellent evening filled with glorious entertainment and laughs along the way” – Dawn Storey
“the wee Irish fella serving me tea was alright and I like playing my kazzoo out of time to annoy people around me” – Stuart Ward
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
This will be a fabulous day out of great music, mirth, merriment and memorableness – ’60’s seaside here we come …
booked, booked, booked, booked, book(ed)- was it wise to book THEN work out how to get there?!!!!
There!!!! And May, I like your thinking!
Indecision let me down, crumbs I missed it! can a camper tag along at a very simular top speed to a routemaster?
[…] rain, shine, hell or high water we are heading to the seaside on a open top […]
[…] know we’re going to the seaside yeah?? OK, we know that these are going to go quickly, we’ve got three #HSFunBus up for […]
[…] For everyone involved in Hope and Social having fun and making art is the wind in our sails; one evening, wine in hand, Ben Denison was on twitter with artist Malcolm Cruickshank and his fabulous lady Rhona Mowat talking about all that stuff, and about our upcoming seaside charabanc. […]
[…] seaside where 70 people from all over the UK (but mainly Leeds) were bought together by Leeds band Hope & Social to share music, food, conversation and dreams. Test Space Kitchen made its debut at Temple Works, […]
Check out the time lapse photography of the day:
Thank you for a fab day out.
Yet another legendary hope and social event that was just too cool for school and had that delicious feeling of “bunking off” for the day!
Bugger, missed it. love to all